Kerala cotton block designer kerala kasavu saree with blouseSaree Length : 6.25 metre5.5m Saree + 0.75m BlouseKasavu width : 3 inchSaree Fabric : Pure CottonSaree Design: Premium golden block design on full body and blouseBlouse Type : Running blousePremium Golden Block Pure Cotton Kerala Kasavu SareeSKU: hrd01577 ₹2,300.00 Regular Price₹1,345.00Sale PriceQuantity*Only 2 left in stockAdd to CartBuy NowVisa VisaMastercard MastercardAmerican Express American ExpressDiscover DiscoverJCB JCBDiners Club Diners ClubUnionPay UnionPayPayPal PayPalApple Pay Apple PayGoogle Pay Google PayAmazon Pay Amazon PaySamsung Pay Samsung PayStripe StripeSquare SquareKlarna KlarnaAfterpay AfterpayAffirm AffirmiDEAL iDEALMaestro MaestroBancontact BancontactGiropay GiropaySOFORT SOFORTAlipay AlipayWeChat Pay WeChat PayTrustly TrustlyInterac InteracVerifone VerifoneWorldpay WorldpayPayoneer PayoneerSkrill SkrillNeteller NetellerPaysafeCard PaysafeCardWise WiseRazorpay RazorpayPayU PayUBraintree BraintreeBlueSnap BlueSnapAdyen AdyenAuthorize.Net Authorize.NetMollie MollieZip ZipELO ELOHumm HummPoli PoliSezzle SezzlePagSeguro PagSeguroMercadoPago MercadoPagoPaytm PaytmBharatQR BharatQRGCash GCashGrabPay GrabPayLine Pay Line PayOXXO OXXOPaysera PayseraZelle ZelleWe Accept:Care Instructions Dry clean for first time Normal wash Machine Wash